advent reading

‘The four stages of Christmas are:

1) you believe in Father Christmas.

2) you don’t believe in Father Christmas.

3) you are Father Christmas.

4) you look like Father Christmas.’

(‘Do Nothing; Christmas Is Coming’ by Stephen Cottrell.)

One response to “advent reading

  1. I’ve been looking at the website version of the book and had mixed feelings. Some of it is very helpful

    but ….. on the one hand we are being encouraged to be less busy and on the other to make our own Christmas presents. It doesn’t add up and Christmas is already busy enough. Unless of course you are spending the summer growing allium heads and spraying them silver in advance.
    I am also a bit bemused by all these make your own Christmas books – as if this was a new thing – I’ve got my own rum truffle recipes already thanks very much.

    In case this sounds a bit Bah humbug, I hope everyone has a good Christmas and hope to catch up with you all in the not too distant future.

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